Fall 2024 Ango


This is a Zen Garland Order Event Series for all our Centers and Practitioners

Events during Ango will be held in person as well as online.

The theme for the Ango is “Bussho, Buddha Nature.”

Head Trainee – Shuso: Rev. Sydney Nonin Sims

We will meet together, online and in person, for the Entry Ceremony 9am EDT July 28. Afterwards, each Center will hold its own Zazenkai and only stream for its own practitioners.

Roshi Genki will record 14 short videos on the “Bussho, Buddha Nature” chapter from the Shobogenzo. Each participant will have access to the 14 videos  and a translation of the “Bussho, Buddha Nature” chapter in their My Courses account. Each Sunday at 11am EDT we will meet all together. Roshi Kisho, Roshi Genmitsu, Sensei Baishin, and Rev. Mitsudo will take turns leading our discussions on Genki’s videos and the corresponding reading sections of the chapter.

Sunday, July 28: 9:00am – 5:00pm EDT:
Ango Entry Ceremony and First Zazenkai

Sunday, August 25: 6:30am – 3:00pm EDT:
Second Zazenkai

Sunday, September 15: 6:30am – 3:00pm EDT:
Third Zazenkai

Ango ends with Shuso Hossen (First public teaching and Dharma Combat of the Head Trainee/Shuso) on Sunday, November 3 at the end of Rohatsu Sesshin.